Let’s talk about perspective. Namely, the way in which our individual lenses shape how we see the world, making it a unique experience for each of us. It’s common for us to fall into the trap of thinking that we all experience the world in the same way. It’s not until we stop and think about it, that we come to realise that we all experience things differently, depending on the lens of perspective that we as individuals have installed at the time.
Think of it this way: if you were to ask ten different people who all witnessed the same event to describe that event, whatever it may be, do you expect that they would describe it in the exact same way? The answer is of course not. When the question is put to us like this, it’s easy to see how such a thing would be nearly impossible. For starters, each of the ten witnesses may have been viewing the event from completely different vantage points, which alone would give them vastly different experiences of the event. And of course, even if they were to describe the event very similarly, they are bound to use different language in their descriptions. But the differences experienced are deeper than that. Subconscious priorities, emotions, past experiences, and personal preferences all play a role in the way in which our perception of life differ.
To some people a certain song that may be playing may play an important role in their viewing of the event, and this may be a detail that they put a lot of emphasis on in their retelling, while someone else might not have even noticed the song was playing. The same can be said for all sorts of other noises, smells, colours etc., the list goes on. In fact, there are no shortage of different ways in which our minds can emphasis and highlight different aspects of the same event. And we haven’t even touched on the role that emotions play in our different experience of an event. So, it’s safe to say that it’s easy for us to see, when we give it a little thought, how people may view the same event in very different ways. In fact, it’s such a common phenomenon for events to be viewed in different ways, that if two or more people give a statement to the police describing an event in the exact same way, then this is a red flag that the witnesses are lying. All this is to say, that we each have very different perspectives, which influence the way in which we perceive the world.
Consider the sayings “can’t see the forest for the trees”, and “can’t see the roses for the thorns”. The former highlights how we sometimes get so bogged down with a particular detail, that we miss what else is present, and can’t see the bigger picture, missing all together the real meaning of something that’s right in front of us. While the latter addresses some people’s tendency to focus only on negatives.
I’m sure you have also heard people talk about someone wearing ‘rose coloured glasses’. This is usually used when talking about a relationship someone may have, where they are so enamoured with an individual, that they don’t see the red flags that may be obvious to other people. But we have the ability to choose to wear rose coloured glasses in all aspects of our lives – to choose to see the roses or the thorns.
Our programming plays a significant role in this. If we have a pre-existing program that dislikes something, our unconscious mind amplifies the negatives in any situation involving that thing. This reinforces our dislike, creating a vicious cycle.
So, two people can see the same thing but have vastly different perspectives, driven by their programming and beliefs. Neither is wrong, they are just viewing it with different perspectives.
Changing our perspective can change our world. It's a powerful tool for self-understanding, revealing the programs we carry. "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are," as Anais Nin wisely said. This is where energy healing becomes so important, as it is the key to changing our perceptions, allowing us to break free of our limiting beliefs and alter our entire outer world. When we master the art of changing our perception and perspectives, we become masters of manifestation - the more we perceive the 'roses', the more roses we subsequently manifest in our lives.
So, the next time you are seeing only the negative in a situation or person, perhaps it’s time to reflect and look inside. Perhaps it’s time to change your own programming and perception, and start seeing the roses rather than the thorns.
#PerspectiveShift #EnergyHealing #ManifestationMastery #SeeTheGood #SelfReflection #ChangeYourLens #WholeWorldTransformation #ItsNotWhatYouSeeItsHowYouSee